Projects Executed

Client Project Remarks
Sisters of Notre Dame, Nigeria Installation of Wired and Wireless Network and integration to 65KW Solar Power System, Benin. Completed
Klosa and Staas/ Ebonyi State Govt. TV/FM Station (EBBC) Electrical Services & Data Network Distribution Project, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Completed with Service Contract
Polo Park Company, Enugu Polo Park Shopping Mall CCTV Installation, Enugu. Completed
Diamond Bank PLC Voice, ATM, Security Surveillance, Access Control Supply, Installation and Maintenance for South East/ South South. Service Contract
Golden Royale Hotels Ltd, Enugu Data, Voice, Fire, CCTV and Access Control Supply and Installation, Enugu Completed
The Vice Chancellor, Ebonyi State University Ebonyi State University 5km Radius Internet Hotspot with Solar Power Backup, Abakaliki Completed
Power Star/Mooreland Pacific (USA)/Ebonyi State Govt. Ebonyi State International University Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Project. Abakaliki Completed
Tummy Tummy Noodles Industries, Nnewi LAN/Wireless Setup and 240 Units IP CCTV Completed
Barcelona Hotels, Abuja (300 Rooms) Barcelona Hotel Fibre Optic Installation, Data and Voice Cabling Completed
Princess Medi-Care Hospital LTD, Portharcourt. VRF Central / Industrial Air Conditioning System and Network Infrastructure with Data Cabling. Completed
PHCN / Abomege 132/33/11KV Power Station Completed
Nigerian Customs Service / Webbfontaine MPLS/ L2 connectivity from HQ Abuja bonded terminals in 4 states Completed
Int’l Organisation for Migration (UN) / Nigeria Immigration service. Data Network and IP based Access Control and Security at Enugu Int’l Airport. Completed
Anambra State Government Mechanical & Electrical Consultancy (Design and Supervision) for International Conference Centre, Awka Completed