Our Services
With the innovative and dynamic nature of business and domestic life comes the need to ensure proper security, comfort and safety at all times through physical and remote means. Protection, comfort and safety of lives and properties are basic necessities in any society and we at Orbnest Systems are more than happy to step into that role with our excellent knowledge and expertise in:
CCTV Surveillance.
Intrusion / Burglary Detection and Alarm
Biometrics, Time Attendance & Access Control
Pedestrian & Vehicle Control Barriers
Security Booths and Man-traps
Automation of Gates and Garage Doors
Building Automation (Smart building)
Metal Detection & Scanners
Automatic Sliding Doors
Fire Detection & Alarm
Fire Hydrant, Hose Reel & Sprinklers
CCTV Surveillance
The Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is used to control surveillance over restricted and public areas as well as homes. In any case, we can install a highly efficient surveillance system that clients can remotely monitor activities in their factory from the headquarters, home from the office, home from vacation etc.
Orbnest systems understands the need for optimal functionality of the proposed system, and so we are proposing and efficient cost effective solution that will meet the optimal requirements of the client. CCTV protection is a core safety system for every business and home.We install and support various kinds of IP, Analogue, spy CCTV cameras.
Intruder Detection & Alarm:
Our intruder detection system is designed to ensure the detection of, and assist in the apprehension of intruders. An intruder's best opportunities arise when the building is unoccupied – at night, at weekends and during holidays. At these times of greatest vulnerability, electronic security measures must come into play.
Access Control and Time Attendance
Our Access Control Systems replace standard locks and keys with an electronically programmable means of regulating entry and exit within an area. Access can be granted because the user has a pass. Access Control Systems give precise monitoring 24-hours in 7days for all critical areas that need to be protected. It is important to monitor and regulate access to sensitive areas via biometric or proximity cards and tags.
Orbnest Fire System
Fire represents the single most catastrophic event, which a building is likely to experience and carries with it, risks to the safety and lives of the occupants. Fires are the most destructive, disruptive and costly cause of damage to property and prevention of these requires both risk awareness and the adoption of good practice. The one excellent way of reducing the probable consequences of fires is the use of an excellent fire protection system. How quickly you recover depends on your choice of fire protection agent. Selection of an extinguishing system should be based on the exact site requirement.
Orbnest Systems offers a wide range of options for fire protection:
Carbon dioxide Fire Extinguishers:
Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers tackles Class B flammable liquid and Class C electrical fire hazards. They are ideally suited for indoor applications where delicate equipment or processes require a clean extinguishing agent.
Water Fire Extinguishers:
Water Fire Extinguishers are ideal for common combustible materials such as trash, wood, and paper. They are perfect for occupancies such as apartments, storerooms, schools, offices, and theaters. This non-toxic, environment-friendly, range, fast and effective fire protection where Class A materials may be present.
Hydrant Systems
The Fire hydrant allows the fire department to gain access to the fire system quickly and efficiently. By hooking up to a fire hydrant, a pumper gains access to water in a municipal (private) water system at whatever pressure is in the system.
Orbnest Systems is offering a fire hydrant system (a source of water provided to enable firefighters to assist in extinguishing a fire) which is a key element for any water supply system used for fighting fires.
Fire Hydrant comes in various forms:
Standpipe, Hydrant Key & Bar
Standpipes are available in single or double. Both comprise of a shaft, a swivel head base, blank cap & chain. Hydrant key and bar is intended for use on underground hydrant valves. The length of the key is sufficient to allow the bar to clear adjacent standpipe or other obstructions.
Control Panel
A microprocessor-based system, that allows continuous monitoring of data from sensors. It also acts as the central brain of the system that sends activation signals to all output devices of the systems – the bells, sounders, FM200 Cylinder actuator, Flashers, etc. It is the unit that controls the double knock capability of the system.
Sensing Devices
The sensing devices are divided into smoke detectors
and heat detectors. They are sensors which detect the
presence of smoke or heat in a particular enclosure and
sends back signal to the control panel. Detection
will be achieved with a combination of Optical and
Ionisation detectors. This combination is to enable
the system detect the different kinds of fire namely fast
burning and smouldering fires. It also has the advantage
of yearly warning and precise identification of the source of fire.
Alarm Devices
These are units for alerting the occupants of a room on the outbreak of
fire. A sounder with an audible output sound is used alongside a flasher
which produces a visual alert for occupants who may not hear the
sound from the Sounder.
Extinguishing Devices
In case of a fire outbreak, an automatic fire alarm
system will automatically activate an extinguishing
system thus minimising loss. The FM-200 gas will
automatically discharge on confirmation of fire from
the sensors. Other components of the extinguishing
part are:
Sprinkler System
Water spray or deluge systems are used to either control or extinguish high challenge fires. Unlike sprinklers, they discharge high momentum water spray in defined cones of discharge to protect specific areas of risk. Using only water they are effective even on oil based fires. Detectors are used to sense for the presence of fires over very localized risks.
These detectors include thermal sensors, sprinkler heads and flame detectors.
The water spray nozzles are connected to a water supply via a pipe network. The pipe network is dry, while the spray heads are always open. A deluge valve holds water back from the spray pipe network which, when opened, allows water to flow from all of the spray heads simultaneously.
Water spray systems are used to protect fuel storage tanks, including LPG and oil, transformers, turbines, conveyors, power station boiler fronts, fuel pumps, fuel handling and loading areas and anywhere a fire risk could cause extensive damage and threat to personnel. Most of the risks involve oil-based fires, which require extensive cooling to limit the fire growth and achieve quick extinguishments High Velocity.